
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy First Birthday! Nostalgia+Pt. 1 of Percy Jackson

Hello! Meg and RJ here. You probably came to the blog for the audiobooks, but here's some background info from Meg on how this all came about.
-RJ :D

I think what he means is, "you probably came here for the audiobooks, but my sister is going to launch into some long-winded reminisces for her own nostalgic purposes, so I apologize for her." Gee, thanks, bro. ;)
But seriously, though. Reading books out loud to each other is a long family tradition, even after you'd think we'd outgrow it. My older sister read Harry Potter to me when I was a kid, and then when I got older, I read them to Ryan--and pretty much every other book we could get our hands on. So we thought, hey, why not share our readings with the internet? Cause they care, right? I first read Bram Stoker's Dracula via audiobooks, which turned out to the be the most exciting and intriguing way it could possibly have been presented, and my love affair with audbiobooks began.

So we are going to start with The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan, an old favorite of ours. My brother is saying right now that it's "popular but not literary trash"--kind of an apt description, eh? Not only is it a perfect way to expand your knowledge of Greek mythology, but it's written in with a wry, sarcastic wit and doesn't take itself too seriously, even when battles for Western Civilization are being fought. It's also an intelligent comment on familial relationships in dysfunctional family units.

We hope you enjoy.

p.s. I'm not much of an artist (that's more my sister's area), but the background picture is a drawing I made of (you guessed it) Persephone and Hades, one of my favorite Greek myths. Ryan photoshopped the background, that technical wizard. :) I think I am making him blush. Ha!!

Lots of love,

Wow, shut up sis and let them listen to the book! Here is Part 1 of the Lightning Thief brought to you by Persephone+Hades Productions! Make sure to check out our YouTube channel and consider the MP3 download! Link below. Peace off.

In this section, the reader is introduced to Percy Jackson, a dyslexic, impulsive twelve-year-old who has never gotten through a year of school without being expelled. He's almost made it through sixth grade--and he's determined to make it through this field trip without getting into trouble. Unfortunately, trouble usually finds him instead.

MP3 Download:

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